Which Statement About A Novels Three Major Types Of Conflict Is Accurate?


Every story faces challenges and problems. In the world of literature, novels often show these challenges through conflicts. The novel’s three major types of conflict give depth to the characters and make the plot gripping. These conflicts are Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, and Man vs. Self.

This article will explore each of these novels’ three major types, offering a simple understanding alongside engaging examples.

Man vs. Man Conflict

One of the novel’s three major types of conflict, the Man vs. Man dynamic, is often the easiest to recognize. Here, two characters are at odds: the hero and the villain. Their reasons for conflict can vary – from personal vendettas to clashing ideologies.

Characteristics and Examples

1- Direct Opposition

The head-to-head confrontation is at the heart of this conflict type. This can manifest as two characters locking horns over differing views, a hero battling a nemesis, or even larger groups in opposition.

2- Physical or Emotional

Some face-offs culminate in physical altercations, while others simmer as emotional or ideological standoffs.

Example – “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare: This classic story showcases the Montagues and Capulets in a relentless feud. The star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, are caught in the crossfire, whose love story ends tragically due to this Man vs. Man conflict.

Example – “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee: This novel presents a poignant Man vs. Man conflict with Atticus Finch defending Tom Robinson, an innocent black man, against a prejudiced society in a courtroom battle.

Man vs. Nature Conflict

The second in our exploration of the novel’s three major types of Conflict is Man vs. Nature. This type portrays humanity’s struggle against the natural world. From fierce storms to relentless wildlife, this conflict emphasizes the unpredictability and power of nature.

Characteristics and Examples

1- Survival at its Core

The primary essence of this conflict type revolves around survival. Characters are often pitted against natural challenges, testing their resilience and adaptability.

2- External Forces

Unlike internal struggles, this conflict is driven by external natural phenomena. It could be a natural disaster, a wild animal, or any element of nature that poses a threat.

Example – “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway: In this iconic novel, the old fisherman, Santiago, battles a giant marlin. His struggle against the fish, and later against sharks, is a poignant depiction of the Man vs. Nature conflict.

Example – “The Call of the Wild” by Jack London: This story follows a domesticated dog named Buck, thrust into the wild. His journey of adapting to the brutal wilderness and rediscovering his wild instincts showcases the raw essence of this type of conflict.

Man vs. Self Conflict

Concluding our exploration of the novel’s three major types of conflict, we come to Man vs. Self, often portrayed as a Bubble In A Graphic Novel. This conflict deepens the characters’ psyche, exposing their internal struggles, dilemmas, and demons. Unlike the other conflicts, which are more external, this type deals with the battles one fights within oneself.

Characteristics and Examples

1- Internal Struggles

This type of conflict highlights a character’s mental and emotional challenges. It revolves around their insecurities, fears, guilt, or moral dilemmas.

2- Journey to Self-Awareness

Characters often undergo a transformative journey, grappling with their issues and emerging with a newfound understanding or acceptance of themselves.

Example – “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Jay Gatsby’s internal conflict revolves around his obsession with the past and his unrelenting love for Daisy. Despite his riches, he grapples with issues of identity and unfulfillment.

Example – “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger: The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, undergoes an intense internal struggle. His disdain for adult hypocrisy and his fear of growing up showcases a classic Man vs. Self-conflict.

New Wave of Conflicts

As the world and its stories evolve, so do the traditional ideas tied to the novel’s three major types of conflict. Modern times have introduced us to themes like Man vs. Technology and Man vs. Society.

Familiarizing with these new conflicts keeps our reading list fresh and connects us deeper with contemporary stories. Moreover, a graphic novel and memoir writer is never wrong; before you start, just discuss with the professionals.


Conflicts play an important role in shaping narratives. Through the lens of literature, the three major types of conflict breathe life into characters and twist plots in unexpected directions. Ultimately, they underscore the complexities of human experiences, leaving readers with lasting impressions and deeper understandings.

If you are looking to bring your own unique story to life, consider hiring a novel writer who can expertly weave these conflicts into a compelling narrative.

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